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Bug report

Report any bugs you find in game here and the team will look into them

Title Author Posts Last post
[FIXED] [D] Lightning spell in pand 4 FINITO FINITO 2014/04/24 22:29:34
Devil pill upgrade 3 TOLIC TOLIC 2014/04/22 17:51:39
2nd spear cooldown bug 3 S0RCERER S0RCERER 2014/04/12 17:50:04
Gukseo quests 1 YOSHIMITSU YOSHIMITSU 2014/03/30 17:45:07
[SOLVED] player name 5 RELINA RELINA 2014/03/29 19:49:35
Character Select Bug 1 JARAGOONDOO JARAGOONDOO 2014/03/29 14:28:08
Wotw castle stone bug 1 PROMETHEUS PROMETHEUS 2014/03/28 11:46:25
[FIXED] Rested EXP and Manage Account 2 FINITO FINITO 2014/03/23 13:37:18
[SOLVED] devil delivery guards - skill training abuse 27 GHOSTLORD GHOSTLORD 2014/03/13 10:23:26
[SOLVED] Deleting Trees. 3 MAKKIE MAKKIE 2014/03/08 11:49:56
[SOLVED] reviving in conti owned by other race 3 NEOXIAN NEOXIAN 2014/03/04 13:23:28
Spirit necklace 3 YOSHIMITSU YOSHIMITSU 2014/02/26 07:49:29
[SOLVED] Dsoma shironim 9 HOJO HOJO 2014/02/25 20:22:45
can't change resolution 10 RELINA RELINA 2014/02/24 09:48:22
Copper at pold 2 GHOSTLORD GHOSTLORD 2014/02/22 15:06:23
Devil onzu ring 2 REHLINA REHLINA 2014/02/17 16:22:24
[FIXED] Player feed while devil/wicked at GVW/SS 4 FINITO FINITO 2014/02/15 09:25:06
[SOLVED] Crafting names 2 FINITO FINITO 2014/02/15 09:22:53
[FIXED] Rested XP not updating on account management 4 FINITO FINITO 2014/02/15 09:19:04
Abias restock 5 TAKESHI TAKESHI 2014/02/13 13:59:24
[FIXED] Player feed - guild wars 3 GHOSTLORD GHOSTLORD 2014/02/10 21:58:37
When leveling up,, shows no hp... and more... 3 DEAMOND DEAMOND 2014/02/10 12:25:21
[SOLVED] Dual log party bugs/glitches! 5 REHLINA REHLINA 2014/02/07 01:26:35
[SOLVED] Crashing. 7 YOSHIMITSU YOSHIMITSU 2014/02/05 15:22:48
[SOLVED] WH Empty Space unusable. 3 MAKKIE MAKKIE 2014/02/04 15:01:10
[FIXED] People bug abusing cast/run bug. 3 GHOSTLORD GHOSTLORD 2014/02/04 11:57:01
[SOLVED] Crafting bag gains not working 3 PLUM PLUM 2014/01/31 22:04:30
HP loss after level up/dc from server 1 MONTEL MONTEL 2014/01/27 09:07:06
[FIXED] Chain Lightning doesn't work. 13 QUIMM QUIMM 2014/01/26 15:33:47
[SOLVED] F10 display on dsoma. 10 FINITO FINITO 2014/01/21 01:45:06
[D] Skin Dye Potion 1 CARNAGE CARNAGE 2014/01/19 21:40:10
[SOLVED] Wiggling/shaking People 6 OPENTHEDOOR OPENTHEDOOR 2014/01/19 18:19:15
[FIXED] level 40 Q - Gather Lizard Eyes 5 FINITO FINITO 2014/01/17 23:07:41
Rested XP 1 FREAK FREAK 2014/01/17 20:08:33
[FIXED] GTR/Stinger tier wep skin change. 3 FINITO FINITO 2014/01/13 17:49:12
Direct Sound Error 3 GHOSTLORD GHOSTLORD 2014/01/13 14:42:38
Server log on problem 3 SHADOWNINJA SHADOWNINJA 2014/01/12 16:05:18
[FIXED] Unable to open Warehouse in the farm. 6 FUJITORA FUJITORA 2014/01/12 14:04:47
[FIXED] Possible bug on spear aura 8 IPHIOS IPHIOS 2014/01/11 20:52:39
[SOLVED] MA: Spells 10 S0RCERER S0RCERER 2014/01/10 16:49:18
[FIXED] List of bugs (related) 14 FUJITORA FUJITORA 2014/01/10 16:38:36
Problems when tabbing out 7 DEST DEST 2014/01/09 22:29:01
[SOLVED] Armoury - item stats 6 DOMINUZ DOMINUZ 2013/12/27 12:12:23
Character Forced out after trading for Xmas present 2 GHOSTLORD GHOSTLORD 2013/12/23 14:34:45
[SOLVED] Conti Garg Shaman drops 2 S0RCERER S0RCERER 2013/12/22 17:54:56
[FIXED] can you please fix int/wis losses on revive! 23 NEOXIAN NEOXIAN 2013/12/15 17:43:18
[FIXED] Magic % on Conti RvR bugged? 4 S0RCERER S0RCERER 2013/12/15 15:01:57
[SOLVED] Guild Logo Bug 2 REHLINA REHLINA 2013/12/13 20:23:17
[FIXED] Heal when weakened 3 REHLINA REHLINA 2013/12/13 17:31:13
[FIXED] D-soma boss drops are taking libertys :-( 3 DIABOLIC DIABOLIC 2013/12/07 15:45:42