Magic Ear RingMagic Ear Ring+3
Weight : 5
Durability : 99

Magic Attack + 8
Weight : 4
Durability : 593

Magic Attack + 6
Azure Eye Staff[Rare] Azure Eye Staff
Attack : 9~17
Weight : 15
Durability : 269
Speed : E(1164)

Req. Int : 139
Req. Skill : 146

Magic Attack : 21~30(100%)

After a fast stinger bow, not bothered about attack too much, leave me a message here and ill get back to you ingame if interested
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[quote="IPHIOS"][item post=93557 index=0][item post=93557 index=1][item post=93557 index=2] After a fast stinger bow, not bothered about attack too much, leave me a message here and ill get back to you ingame if interested[/quote]