Hsoma Questlog

Here you can find a list of all the Hsoma quests;


You can download it to your own computer by Clicking “File” then “Download”

Once you have it, you can sort the data in any format best suited to you and your character (By Quest giver, Level, Reward, Mob, Item etc) and you can add a column to show whether you have completed the quest or not.

This allows you to see what quests are upcoming on the levels ahead and plan your game better.

The quests only go to level 130 currently as I don’t have the data above that yet.

Some of the dailies are also missing because my characters can no longer see them.

Please report any missing quests, omissions, errors and typos and I will be sure to get it updated.



PM Reply Quote
[quote="PROWLER"]Hsoma Questlog Here you can find a list of all the Hsoma quests; https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_Qi0KPzjbiLKjF5Pv6Pe3wV0UvSJIydClPt3g85QWRQ/edit?usp=sharing You can download it to your own computer by Clicking “File” then “Download” Once you have it, you can sort the data in any format best suited to you and your character (By Quest giver, Level, Reward, Mob, Item etc) and you can add a column to show whether you have completed the quest or not. This allows you to see what quests are upcoming on the levels ahead and plan your game better. The quests only go to level 130 currently as I don’t have the data above that yet. Some of the dailies are also missing because my characters can no longer see them. Please report any missing quests, omissions, errors and typos and I will be sure to get it updated. Enjoy. 8) Prowler/Jac [/quote]