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Scottish independence and now this !!! Way too much politics for a week guys !!!
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[quote="BASIL"]Scottish independence and now this !!! Way too much politics for a week guys !!! [/quote]
It's an idea which i wouldn't vote for. I think it would bring the wrong spirit onto a game which isn't large, and hasn't got a extensive community. So commercialising it to this extent wouldn't appeal to me.

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[quote="ADVOCATE"]It's an idea which i wouldn't vote for. I think it would bring the wrong spirit onto a game which isn't large, and hasn't got a extensive community. So commercialising it to this extent wouldn't appeal to me. [/quote]
lupi why don't you comment more on this thread
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[quote="NIHAOMAO"]lupi why don't you comment more on this thread[/quote]
"NIHAOMAO"lupi why don't you comment more on this thread

huh? sarcasm? just give my opinions....

whats ur opinion? ^
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[quote="LUPISCUS"][quote="NIHAOMAO"]lupi why don't you comment more on this thread[/quote] huh? sarcasm? just give my opinions.... whats ur opinion? ^[/quote]
Sheep mate
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[quote="BASIL"]Sheep mate[/quote]
Its happening anyways might aswell make it legal and control it better, better than old players leaving with good chars it all gets positively recycled back into the server and everyone benefits.
Although only chars no items included.
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[quote="WRECK"]Its happening anyways might aswell make it legal and control it better, better than old players leaving with good chars it all gets positively recycled back into the server and everyone benefits. Although only chars no items included. [/quote]
I really wouldn't recommend making money of Soma as a profit. The only reason we are legally allowed to excist is because we run on donations.
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[quote="GHOSTLORD"]I really wouldn't recommend making money of Soma as a profit. The only reason we are legally allowed to excist is because we run on donations.[/quote]
"GHOSTLORD"I really wouldn't recommend making money of Soma as a profit. The only reason we are legally allowed to excist is because we run on donations.

would game network be able to sue you if you didnt ..? or you mean the only reason you can run a free game is because you recieve donations? that sounds chicken oriental o.0
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[quote="KVOTHE"][quote="GHOSTLORD"]I really wouldn't recommend making money of Soma as a profit. The only reason we are legally allowed to excist is because we run on donations.[/quote] would game network be able to sue you if you didnt ..? or you mean the only reason you can run a free game is because you recieve donations? that sounds chicken oriental o.0[/quote]
"GHOSTLORD"I really wouldn't recommend making money of Soma as a profit. The only reason we are legally allowed to excist is because we run on donations.

would game network be able to sue you if you didnt ..? or you mean the only reason you can run a free game is because you recieve donations? that sounds chicken oriental o.0

He means in theory they could be sued for charging a subscription fee as they don't own the rights. Game Network don't exist any more so its unlikely, but its not something worth risking and they clearly don't want to charge subs anyway.
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[quote="NOTMAT"][quote="KVOTHE"][quote="GHOSTLORD"]I really wouldn't recommend making money of Soma as a profit. The only reason we are legally allowed to excist is because we run on donations.[/quote] would game network be able to sue you if you didnt ..? or you mean the only reason you can run a free game is because you recieve donations? that sounds chicken oriental o.0[/quote] He means in theory they could be sued for charging a subscription fee as they don't own the rights. Game Network don't exist any more so its unlikely, but its not something worth risking and they clearly don't want to charge subs anyway.[/quote]


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