Just for fun, to add to the comparative stats for Drazil, Elite Lizardmen and BLGs.....

Hoarde Shanis

Character : Level 87, Strength 111.1, Dexterity 106.6

Weapon : Stinger (untagged)

16/17 Hits to kill (95%+hit rate)

245 Kills for 0.1 Dex (0.0265% Exp per Hoarde, Total Exp 6.52%)
270 Kills for 0.1 Str (0.0265% Exp per Hoarde, Total Exp 7.16%)

Barr Dropped per Hoarde : 190 (average)

Total drop list through exercise
Ring of Fighter (untagged)
Guard Amulet (untagged)

Drops were, to say the least, "mean".

Additionally, at "time 6", Kortex appeared and robbed a pile of Barr from my feet and forced me to warp. I reckon I am out of pocket by around 500barr; interest is accruing daily at 3.5% above bank base rate.


PM Reply Quote
[quote="JACKELPUP"]Just for fun, to add to the comparative stats for Drazil, Elite Lizardmen and BLGs..... [b]Hoarde Shanis[/b] Character : Level 87, Strength 111.1, Dexterity 106.6 Weapon : Stinger (untagged) 16/17 Hits to kill (95%+hit rate) 245 Kills for 0.1 Dex (0.0265% Exp per Hoarde, Total Exp 6.52%) 270 Kills for 0.1 Str (0.0265% Exp per Hoarde, Total Exp 7.16%) Barr Dropped per Hoarde : 190 (average) [b]Total drop list through exercise[/b] Ring of Fighter (untagged) Guard Amulet (untagged) Drops were, to say the least, "mean". Additionally, at "time 6", Kortex appeared and robbed a pile of Barr from my feet and forced me to warp. I reckon I am out of pocket by around 500barr; interest is accruing daily at 3.5% above bank base rate. 8) Jac [/quote]