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% On conti raids

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said '' think'' ...oh well... im wrong again x

( devs jus gona get stronger and even more imbalance? Well i doubt that..but who knows )
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[quote="LUPISCUS"]said '' think'' ...oh well... im wrong again x ( devs jus gona get stronger and even more imbalance? Well i doubt that..but who knows )[/quote]
Very possible for devs to make an RvR god character with the new stat system. We won't need to go high on dex, con or int at all, just silly amounts of str/wiz. I mean, humans know the futility that was trying to kill Intheface.

I'm of the opinion that RvR can never be balanced, two words run on such different systems.

The main isn't that RvR is imbalanced: it's that human melee characters are so pathetic compared to human mages. Fixing that would be a good first step.
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[quote="STRELKA"]Very possible for devs to make an RvR god character with the new stat system. We won't need to go high on dex, con or int at all, just silly amounts of str/wiz. I mean, humans know the futility that was trying to kill Intheface. I'm of the opinion that RvR can never be balanced, two words run on such different systems. The main isn't that RvR is imbalanced: it's that human melee characters are so pathetic compared to human mages. Fixing that would be a good first step.[/quote]
"LUPISCUS"said '' think'' ...oh well... im wrong again x

( devs jus gona get stronger and even more imbalance? Well i doubt that..but who knows )

They wont be able to do both, RvR and PvP, but they will be able to do one or the other
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[quote="JAHEIRA"][quote="LUPISCUS"]said '' think'' ...oh well... im wrong again x ( devs jus gona get stronger and even more imbalance? Well i doubt that..but who knows )[/quote] They wont be able to do both, RvR and PvP, but they will be able to do one or the other[/quote]
Slow and gradual increase of available stats for humans in cap+s..along with more powerful mele equips..eventually the twain will meet
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[quote="LUPISCUS"]Slow and gradual increase of available stats for humans in cap+s..along with more powerful mele equips..eventually the twain will meet [/quote]
Glad we're all agreeing devils and humans alike!

Hopefully the great finito will be able to sort it out in due time.

Great discussion peeps 😁
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[quote="BIRDMAN"]Glad we're all agreeing devils and humans alike! Hopefully the great finito will be able to sort it out in due time. Great discussion peeps 😁[/quote]
Simple fix is make the next tier of human weps/armour 2-3x more than what they are now so instead of 40-65 attack on a wep make the next one 80-130 or even 100-150 for example not exact numbers but yeah same with armour, this would make the current weps that are all +8 less useful aswell meaning the server wont have stupid weps/armour anymore atleast for a while.

Excuse my poor construction i'm feeling lazy.
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[quote="KINGOFKINGS"]Simple fix is make the next tier of human weps/armour 2-3x more than what they are now so instead of 40-65 attack on a wep make the next one 80-130 or even 100-150 for example not exact numbers but yeah same with armour, this would make the current weps that are all +8 less useful aswell meaning the server wont have stupid weps/armour anymore atleast for a while. Excuse my poor construction i'm feeling lazy.[/quote]
The issue with that would be anyone without the newest armour be it from not farming or not having requirements will then sustain 3x the damage from new weps with no armour bump to protect them
And yes birdman I think everyone would love a fair rvr system, unsure whether it’s achievable in reality but it would make more turn up, more raids and I dare say more humans on hsoma conti too
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[quote="MERLIN"]The issue with that would be anyone without the newest armour be it from not farming or not having requirements will then sustain 3x the damage from new weps with no armour bump to protect them And yes birdman I think everyone would love a fair rvr system, unsure whether it’s achievable in reality but it would make more turn up, more raids and I dare say more humans on hsoma conti too[/quote]
kind of curious what humans would do if their stats didnt have a cap? Any ideas, I dunno about anyone else but I was building my stats for PvP and not RvR on my human, there is alot of humans who dont really play anymore and then alot that dont join in with WOTW and SS events which is a shame but I understand why.
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[quote="ARYA_"]kind of curious what humans would do if their stats didnt have a cap? Any ideas, I dunno about anyone else but I was building my stats for PvP and not RvR on my human, there is alot of humans who dont really play anymore and then alot that dont join in with WOTW and SS events which is a shame but I understand why.[/quote]
Could we get a gms thoughts pls :)?
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[quote="BIRDMAN"]Could we get a gms thoughts pls :)?[/quote]


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