Video of the second WOTW tonight, devils on 75%.

WOTW - 15.12.17

Obviously not much blue zone action to include in this video, coz the experiment of putting devils on 100% (sound logic behind it, but turns out not needed) made a lot of ppl on both side log off or not be willing to do a second wotw in a row.

Some cool footage of the last 5 mins though. I don't think devils are OP on 75%, we just had an absolutely massive turnout for the devil side this war (coz so many people came back with the new stat change, the devil side is booming).

I think balance will be hugely different when everyone is at level 110 - devils will gain almost no stats/attack/defence from doing this, but humans will jump up a ton and have access to new weapons to boot. Probably will need something like 100% on both sides at that point.
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[quote="STRELKA"]Video of the second WOTW tonight, devils on 75%. [url=] WOTW - 15.12.17 [/url] Obviously not much blue zone action to include in this video, coz the experiment of putting devils on 100% (sound logic behind it, but turns out not needed) made a lot of ppl on both side log off or not be willing to do a second wotw in a row. Some cool footage of the last 5 mins though. I don't think devils are OP on 75%, we just had an absolutely massive turnout for the devil side this war (coz so many people came back with the new stat change, the devil side is booming). I think balance will be hugely different when everyone is at level 110 - devils will gain almost no stats/attack/defence from doing this, but humans will jump up a ton and have access to new weapons to boot. Probably will need something like 100% on both sides at that point. [/quote]