im after either

4% or better helm
4% or better top
4% or better proc rings
5% or better boots
5% or better pads

10 proc neck/ earing may consider 9% not fussed if its earing 2/3 or neck 2/3 long as its 10%

i can pay dts/dias/toes just tell me howmeny u would like

ps- not interested in the vials itself only a made item

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[quote="RAIKUN"] im after either 4% or better helm 4% or better top 4% or better proc rings 5% or better boots 5% or better pads 10 proc neck/ earing may consider 9% not fussed if its earing 2/3 or neck 2/3 long as its 10% i can pay dts/dias/toes just tell me howmeny u would like ps- not interested in the vials itself only a made item [/quote]