CH0PS Myth Of Soma Armory
CH0PS has chosen to make their equipment private as such you will have a limited view of their items.
Weapon: Axe, Craft:
Player Feed
SATANICEVIL gained 100 pos from CH0PS
15 January 2023: 19:59:26
LEVEL0 gained 120 pos from CH0PS
15 January 2023: 19:57:36
_CHAOS_ gained 100 pos from CH0PS
15 January 2023: 19:55:58
THE_D0N gained 280 pos from CH0PS
15 January 2023: 19:51:14
JUNEY gained 100 pos from CH0PS
09 December 2022: 19:42:59
THE_D0N gained 280 pos from CH0PS
15 November 2022: 19:57:41
THE_D0N gained 280 pos from CH0PS
15 November 2022: 19:52:52
TRISTANOS gained 100 pos from CH0PS
27 October 2022: 18:55:33
QUASIMODO gained 100 pos from CH0PS
27 October 2022: 18:53:14
SAYIAN gained 100 pos from CH0PS
27 October 2022: 18:52:29
ALAKAZAM gained 100 pos from CH0PS
27 October 2022: 18:49:31
ALAKAZAM gained 100 pos from CH0PS
27 October 2022: 18:47:26
ALAKAZAM gained 100 pos from CH0PS
27 October 2022: 18:45:36
THE_D0N gained 280 pos from CH0PS
27 October 2022: 18:43:04
THE_D0N gained 280 pos from CH0PS
27 October 2022: 18:33:28
CH0PS gained 50 pos from OZZBULL
27 October 2022: 18:33:25
ZUZU gained 100 pos from CH0PS
27 October 2022: 18:29:15
ZUZU gained 100 pos from CH0PS
27 October 2022: 18:28:02
THE_D0N gained 280 pos from CH0PS
27 October 2022: 18:24:58
CH0PS gained 100 pos from DOKKEBI
09 July 2022: 18:52:52
CH0PS defeated AMUNRA
20 June 2022: 21:22:07
MRGRINCH won a duel against CH0PS
20 June 2022: 21:15:41
20 June 2022: 21:02:24
CH0PS gained 100 pos from MANCHU
14 June 2022: 19:56:30
GOZL gained 80 pos from CH0PS
09 June 2022: 18:49:58
CH0PS gained 120 pos from WAVEFUNCTION
09 June 2022: 18:45:17
SWIM gained 80 pos from CH0PS
09 June 2022: 18:41:43
GOZL gained 80 pos from CH0PS
09 June 2022: 18:40:03
ALAKAZAM gained 80 pos from CH0PS
09 June 2022: 18:26:03
GOZL gained 80 pos from CH0PS
09 June 2022: 18:16:10
PERFECT won a duel against CH0PS
09 June 2022: 16:06:15
PROD won a duel against CH0PS
28 May 2022: 17:43:44
DEVILS_GUARD won a duel against CH0PS
22 May 2022: 16:25:51
13 May 2022: 21:38:17
MERLIN won a duel against CH0PS
08 May 2022: 21:49:07
LCHHH defeated CH0PS
08 May 2022: 21:44:57
MRGRINCH won a duel against CH0PS
08 May 2022: 21:24:16
HEATZINC won a duel against CH0PS
12 February 2022: 20:29:37
CH0PS gained 160 pos from 4634
09 February 2022: 19:55:19
ZOLDIER gained 50 pos from CH0PS
09 February 2022: 19:47:50
QUASIMODO gained 50 pos from CH0PS
09 February 2022: 19:44:18
CH0PS gained 160 pos from QUASIMODO
09 February 2022: 19:38:20
THE_D0N gained 240 pos from CH0PS
03 January 2022: 19:41:04
4634 gained 50 pos from CH0PS
03 January 2022: 19:39:10
02 January 2022: 21:50:26
CHEREBGADOL gained 50 pos from CH0PS
21 December 2021: 19:52:44
CH0PS won a duel against ASHAR
16 November 2021: 14:04:26
NYRAX gained 50 pos from CH0PS
15 November 2021: 19:59:30
CH0PS gained 160 pos from SHIVY
27 October 2021: 18:54:03
CH0PS gained 50 pos from DASTAN
27 October 2021: 18:51:18
CH0PS gained 160 pos from OZMA
27 October 2021: 18:48:39
27 October 2021: 16:42:22
CH0PS omerta own gv right now, since you can't read
24 October 2021: 11:42:31
CH0PS won a duel against ASHAR
16 October 2021: 21:04:29
BENTAYGA won a duel against CH0PS
16 October 2021: 10:37:00
SPARKS won a duel against CH0PS
15 October 2021: 18:51:03
CH0PS gained 180 pos from ASTRA_JANOA
15 October 2021: 18:35:27
NYRAX gained 50 pos from CH0PS
21 September 2021: 18:53:50
NYRAX gained 50 pos from CH0PS
21 September 2021: 18:50:47
QUASIMODO gained 60 pos from CH0PS
09 August 2021: 18:59:18
QUASIMODO gained 60 pos from CH0PS
09 August 2021: 18:58:04
CH0PS gained 50 pos from CHINGKING
09 August 2021: 18:56:14
HEATZINC won a duel against CH0PS
08 August 2021: 17:52:45
M3RLIN won a duel against CH0PS
08 August 2021: 16:42:15
RIGEL won a duel against CH0PS
06 August 2021: 19:28:57
CH0PS gained 60 pos from ALAKAZAM
03 August 2021: 18:52:12
PSYCHOTIX won a duel against CH0PS
03 August 2021: 18:31:10
CH0PS gained 100 pos from KAIDE
03 August 2021: 18:27:56
CH0PS gained 200 pos from 4634
03 August 2021: 18:24:19
CHINA_007 gained 50 pos from CH0PS
27 July 2021: 18:58:39
SPARKS won a duel against CH0PS
27 July 2021: 18:51:50
23 July 2021: 20:07:13
QUASIMODO gained 100 pos from CH0PS
15 March 2021: 19:57:36
CH0PS gained 50 pos from XAXO
15 March 2021: 19:40:05
MERLIN won a duel against CH0PS
11 March 2021: 21:00:55
SB99 gained 100 pos from CH0PS
21 February 2021: 19:58:26
SB99 gained 100 pos from CH0PS
21 February 2021: 19:46:08
BIGRIK86 won a duel against CH0PS
14 February 2021: 13:14:19
25 January 2021: 14:16:34
RIGEL won a duel against CH0PS
24 January 2021: 13:14:01
CH0PS won a duel against RIGEL
23 January 2021: 16:49:56
HEATZINC won a duel against CH0PS
23 January 2021: 16:40:03
YJ defeated CH0PS
22 January 2021: 05:56:01
L0VE defeated CH0PS
19 January 2021: 01:51:59
L0VE defeated CH0PS
19 January 2021: 01:51:50
KAIDE gained 180 pos from CH0PS
19 January 2021: 00:56:38
L0VE defeated CH0PS
19 January 2021: 00:09:28
L0VE defeated CH0PS
19 January 2021: 00:09:17
SWIM gained 100 pos from CH0PS
17 January 2021: 08:09:47
17 January 2021: 05:48:29
PAENUS won a duel against CH0PS
14 January 2021: 13:10:34
GAGAMAL defeated CH0PS
14 January 2021: 12:56:31
slayed PAMOTH
14 January 2021: 08:20:00
14 January 2021: 08:17:23
12 January 2021: 07:59:49
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