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Title Author Posts Last post
Blue Mystical Gem 6 DEAMOND DEAMOND 2019/02/08 18:29:56
Esoma Role Call. 41 DR_EVIL DR_EVIL 2019/02/08 07:18:11
Lil help please. 6 ADONYIIX ADONYIIX 2019/02/06 22:20:35
Dsoma guild creation 2 ASMODIAS ASMODIAS 2019/02/06 19:28:20
Best mobs for levels 50 to 60? 8 CHOJINE CHOJINE 2019/02/05 16:47:27
Starting up after break 3 MAVERICK MAVERICK 2019/02/04 16:04:19
Double xp week for Chinese new years :D ? 9 LEON1DAS LEON1DAS 2019/02/04 15:17:23
Your character age 15 RICO RICO 2019/02/02 19:15:16
Virgin vs sky 6 BRAINSTORM BRAINSTORM 2019/02/01 11:20:00
soma installation question 13 POISON POISON 2019/02/01 09:17:08
How much int to hunt magmas? (Hsoma) 7 ADONYIIX ADONYIIX 2019/01/31 22:39:04
bulging muscle pills 2 CYA CYA 2019/01/30 01:09:07
Vote for charisma change 6 PROMETHEUS PROMETHEUS 2019/01/28 15:55:08
New Tabs recipes 2 MAVERICK MAVERICK 2019/01/28 07:45:53
Question to GM's :) 4 DR_EVIL DR_EVIL 2019/01/27 20:39:33
Skilling on DSoma 5 NUDE NUDE 2019/01/27 12:24:14
Kings Kill For Sport 85 PERCYPLS PERCYPLS 2019/01/26 15:35:23
Do Procs of same type stack? 16 RICO RICO 2019/01/25 23:25:00
Donation Store 15 AQUAMAN AQUAMAN 2019/01/25 10:44:49
laggy 3 SEVENTH_SON SEVENTH_SON 2019/01/24 16:46:22
Server performance 25 RAZOR RAZOR 2019/01/24 14:15:05
GVW 1 AFRO AFRO 2019/01/24 09:21:03
STAT BONUSES? 8 RAMYREZ RAMYREZ 2019/01/21 11:24:08
Is it possible to visualize success rate on the anvil 3 BRAVEN BRAVEN 2019/01/21 10:28:39
HOW TO LEVEL A DEVIL? 16 MAZOKU MAZOKU 2019/01/20 09:01:37
A question about exp 5 CHARGE CHARGE 2019/01/19 11:53:22
Nega Mega quest 17 DR_EVIL DR_EVIL 2019/01/18 18:44:36
What happened here? 4 RAZOR RAZOR 2019/01/18 09:44:29
Pray to the Anvil for me brothers and sisters! 30 BRAINSTORM BRAINSTORM 2019/01/17 18:50:29
Is nega broke? 3 CYA CYA 2019/01/17 03:49:31
Soma awards 2018. 53 MONTEL MONTEL 2019/01/14 23:05:06
Problem with losing axe skill 16 DEAMOND DEAMOND 2019/01/14 19:01:32
The Might of Mutiny #176 13 BRAINSTORM BRAINSTORM 2019/01/14 16:52:53
Lowered Mob HP 13 DR_EVIL DR_EVIL 2019/01/14 13:02:42
who is this? 3 SEVENTH_SON SEVENTH_SON 2019/01/13 21:36:32
Character Name 6 KING KING 2019/01/12 06:00:03
Lost sword 18 DONA DONA 2019/01/11 19:37:05
Dsoma GVW (08/01/2018) 13 ARYA_ ARYA_ 2019/01/11 10:17:38
NPC v NPC AI 6 NIGESHI NIGESHI 2019/01/10 20:24:00
Petitton to add gor weps to mags 58 DEAMOND DEAMOND 2019/01/10 12:04:06
anyone got the server files plz give to me 6 PERSES PERSES 2019/01/09 21:51:18
Idea about visualizing cooldown 26 SEVENTH_SON SEVENTH_SON 2019/01/09 12:25:24
Soma Facts Of The Year ! 13 MAVERICK MAVERICK 2019/01/08 17:37:24
Confirmation of breaking items repairing on high dura 86 ARYA_ ARYA_ 2019/01/08 16:16:38
Cant log on one of my accounts 1 NITEFALL NITEFALL 2019/01/08 00:08:10
New podcast/video on all latest ideas etc 3 CHOJINE CHOJINE 2019/01/07 21:56:26
Change to DDs hp? 3 ASBJORN ASBJORN 2019/01/07 08:58:56
panite upgrade on staff worked.... 18 DR_EVIL DR_EVIL 2019/01/07 06:31:03
Attack cursor image 2 CYA CYA 2019/01/07 00:31:55