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Bug report

Report any bugs you find in game here and the team will look into them

Title Author Posts Last post
Mage Cast Bug 7 TEMEROSO TEMEROSO 2019/07/27 22:14:18
WOTW date on homepage 4 FINITO FINITO 2019/07/22 19:27:40
Launcher Bug 10 DEAMOND DEAMOND 2019/07/16 06:08:39
T6 raid/ crystals 5 DEIMOS DEIMOS 2019/07/15 21:52:20
DC in town 2 FINITO FINITO 2019/07/15 20:32:01
Party Bug, Ghost Players 7 FRINGE FRINGE 2019/07/09 17:34:27
Missing items - PLEASE HELP 2 KARDASHIAN KARDASHIAN 2019/06/07 21:32:18
Visual bug 1 STING STING 2019/06/06 20:11:18
Unable to lose the right skill 1 MAJOR MAJOR 2019/06/03 21:39:53
Mending vials 🧪 6 TEMEROSO TEMEROSO 2019/05/31 23:21:28
Upgrade crash send report 5 KAZOKU KAZOKU 2019/05/30 04:29:59
Potential bug 9 LORD_GRIM LORD_GRIM 2019/05/27 21:32:10
d/c when trying to heal 1 ROMELIS ROMELIS 2019/05/13 14:21:29
Clicking mob/player to attack bug. 1 NIXHER NIXHER 2019/05/09 13:08:43
Forum incorrect cookie login 1 KAZOKU KAZOKU 2019/05/08 10:33:59
new DT on agiliy earing 1 BRADLEY_COLE BRADLEY_COLE 2019/05/01 15:25:20
DDT 4 LORD_GRIM LORD_GRIM 2019/04/29 20:29:42
Item pick up delay 1 LORD_GRIM LORD_GRIM 2019/04/28 17:09:41
[FIXED] Network Error: Protocol "" is unknown 5 TEMEROSO TEMEROSO 2019/04/23 17:20:07
Elite crafter robe 3 LORD_GRIM LORD_GRIM 2019/04/15 16:35:22
luxury pants 4 DIOS DIOS 2019/04/15 12:16:51
Char movement on right click while using spells 6 LORD_GRIM LORD_GRIM 2019/04/12 16:16:19
Scissors delivery 1 LUIN LUIN 2019/03/25 14:22:46
Trolls rate increase 3 LORD_GRIM LORD_GRIM 2019/03/21 13:34:47
guild bug 1 CYA CYA 2019/03/14 00:41:20
Connection to the server has been terminated 2 ONE ONE 2019/03/07 12:53:01
Unable to lose axe skill 9 RAMYREZ RAMYREZ 2019/03/03 23:11:12
Bow bug 9 TYPHIN TYPHIN 2019/02/22 21:43:43
Unplayable due to crashing 5 TAVII TAVII 2019/02/22 15:38:54
Quest log opening causes client crash 6 TAVII TAVII 2019/02/20 17:01:36
Global shout 2 FINITO FINITO 2019/02/18 07:57:54
Screenshot issue 3 FOXTRCK FOXTRCK 2019/02/13 09:04:14
Con for defence f10 bug 2 BRAINSTORM BRAINSTORM 2019/01/30 17:15:25
Connection to the server terminated 8 CYA CYA 2019/01/29 14:28:29
Guild dispand 4 SENTENAL SENTENAL 2019/01/28 15:22:22
mobs hp barr 2 FLICKTHEBEAN FLICKTHEBEAN 2019/01/24 16:39:22
Client crashing when pressing F12 5 TYRESE TYRESE 2019/01/23 06:57:06
Character moves when moving outside of game 7 BRAINSTORM BRAINSTORM 2019/01/11 13:03:15
New proc's 3 DR_EVIL DR_EVIL 2019/01/10 17:15:48
Rested bug 3 FUKASAKU FUKASAKU 2019/01/07 16:54:34
Please report quest/text bugs 14 MEGGITTSMUM MEGGITTSMUM 2019/01/06 18:56:06
Devils in Human Negamare 6 DIOS DIOS 2019/01/04 17:42:10
Darian hoop recipe 1 MERLIN MERLIN 2018/12/28 22:56:17
lagging out quite a bit this week 4 LUPISCUS LUPISCUS 2018/12/23 19:43:28
Dc of late 1 MAZOKU MAZOKU 2018/12/20 16:20:50
guild master bug 1 SUBXERO SUBXERO 2018/12/19 22:04:11
Healing with m tag for weapon skill 13 TYRESE TYRESE 2018/12/16 00:55:59
System locking up 4 ARGANOX ARGANOX 2018/12/07 19:05:09
mouse lag? 2 ARGANOX ARGANOX 2018/12/05 07:48:46
Weapon Transfer Skill NPC 2 DEAMOND DEAMOND 2018/12/04 19:28:31