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Bug report

Report any bugs you find in game here and the team will look into them

Title Author Posts Last post
Auto looting 4 OATHKEEPER OATHKEEPER 2021/11/13 00:12:39
Material Madness quest hand-in 3 VALASI VALASI 2021/11/12 10:16:28
Disconnecting 6 ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE 2021/10/26 14:06:52
Bug with new patch F.A.O Dan + Fin 6 ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE 2021/10/25 08:28:48
Installation Fail 6 BRAINSTORM BRAINSTORM 2021/10/07 20:32:45
SR & DC 3 ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE 2021/10/02 09:47:16
magical Marvel Quest Dsoma 2 SEVENTH_SON SEVENTH_SON 2021/09/12 22:02:45
magic attack 1 4634 4634 2021/09/05 19:35:54
Dsoma mags valour quest 1 ARMOURZZZ ARMOURZZZ 2021/08/17 11:36:06
Medicament tablets giving CON+ instead of WIS+ 2 KAZOKU KAZOKU 2021/07/15 07:53:29
lvl 110 quest Nostalgia 5 BABYMEI BABYMEI 2021/07/05 07:16:03
training dummy int conundrum 3 EDICIUS EDICIUS 2021/06/20 12:52:30
questing 6 THE_D0N THE_D0N 2021/06/15 22:25:37
Stuck after being pked by Level0 4 FINITO FINITO 2021/06/13 13:52:24
Inwhang/tomb 2 BLUEHAWK BLUEHAWK 2021/06/12 11:59:02
Weapon aura 6 FINITO FINITO 2021/06/10 19:00:29
Magic skill Reset 1 BABYHERO BABYHERO 2021/06/06 06:32:40
auto scrolling 4 EDICIUS EDICIUS 2021/06/05 19:07:54
Cant cast 2 EDICIUS EDICIUS 2021/06/05 08:05:58
Dungeon Runners III Quest (devils) 6 SEVENTH_SON SEVENTH_SON 2021/05/09 13:00:20
Cant get aura 1 REDMONKEYBUT REDMONKEYBUT 2021/04/22 15:15:53
Unable to attack grey players 4 BRAINSTORM BRAINSTORM 2021/04/07 12:00:07
Can't get rid of essence... 5 KAZOKU KAZOKU 2021/04/06 17:31:01
Donation (I forgot to mention my ingame name) 3 MOS001 MOS001 2021/04/04 13:10:18
Ancient Bug and Slow Cast 1 VALASI VALASI 2021/03/21 00:48:25
vafer scales 3 LORD_GRIM LORD_GRIM 2021/03/05 02:20:19
enslaved beast dungeon 4 BRAINSTORM BRAINSTORM 2021/02/10 19:21:08
issue with % being read? 1 4634 4634 2021/02/09 14:58:20
Sr bug and dc bug 1 COFFEESILK COFFEESILK 2021/02/06 20:19:42
Slow earrings don't stack slow upgrades 5 VALASI VALASI 2021/02/04 23:20:55
Discrimination against swords - quests 2 RAVENSOUL RAVENSOUL 2021/01/19 16:32:14
Bugged Quest 5 SEVENTH_SON SEVENTH_SON 2021/01/18 22:21:23
mana not regain 2 REACT REACT 2021/01/08 16:37:07
Unable to make a guild 7 VEINZZ VEINZZ 2021/01/05 18:28:39
Crossover log report 2 MEOWMIX MEOWMIX 2020/12/30 09:35:33
Forum Certification Gone Again 6 MEOWMIX MEOWMIX 2020/12/30 09:33:13
Logging to diff char connection terminated 5 SEVENTH_SON SEVENTH_SON 2020/12/04 19:41:05
Ban Hammer quest 7 DEVONNE DEVONNE 2020/12/04 09:08:39
Can't throw away item from inventory 7 RAVENSOUL RAVENSOUL 2020/12/03 21:05:48
Dsoma lvl128 quest text 1 MYTHIC MYTHIC 2020/12/02 21:09:08
New mobs - 6K quest 1 BIG_KEV BIG_KEV 2020/11/21 01:42:45
lag, dcs and Warp bug 1 UNHOLY UNHOLY 2020/11/15 10:02:19
Letters event not working right 1 LORD_GRIM LORD_GRIM 2020/11/06 09:44:27
F9 button is closing my client? 1 SOMAPOLICE SOMAPOLICE 2020/11/02 19:27:01
PK Bug 5 BRAINSTORM BRAINSTORM 2020/11/01 18:30:33
F12 bug 1 SHAILO SHAILO 2020/10/25 21:46:14
ToL on titus tops 1 ZUZU ZUZU 2020/10/24 21:18:06
Character HP party bar 4 LORD_GRIM LORD_GRIM 2020/10/19 15:43:31
The attribute of this pair of shoes is wrong 5 KAZOKU KAZOKU 2020/10/15 07:16:53
Timefeed tooltip 1 SCRAPPY SCRAPPY 2020/10/11 09:06:42